
Horrible Experience of Dental Care in the U.S.

I would like to write about my horrible experience of root canal treatment in the United States.

Last year, my gum became swollen. At that time I was in State M. I was recommended to do a root canal treatment. After visiting twice, I met a regular dentist, who recommended me not to cover the tooth with crown.

She said, "Your tooth may become worth. Thus, it is a waste of money to cover it with crown."

Accordingly, I left my tooth as is. Then, I moved to State V.

One year later, the gum - exact same place - became swollen again.

Because I had already moved to State V, I looked another dentist. When I met a new general dentist, he recommended me to take a 3D X-rays.

I had no idea about 3D X-rays, but according to the dentist, it is a cutting-edge technology in the United States, which is not available in Japan right now.

Then, I went to a new root canal specialist referred to by my new regular dentist, who recommended me to take a re-treatment of root canal, instead of taking a 3D X-rays. According to the specialist, 3D X-rays is expensive, and it may be a waste of money. Also, he said that the first general dentist should have covered my tooth with crown.

Thus, I took a re-treatment of root canal. I am waiting for the outcome.

Why all dentists say different things?
And why the dental care in the U.S. is so expensive?